We must stand up NOW! CFIA is taking orders from the unelected WOAH, we must STOP it . Go to preventgenocide2030.org take immediate action. Thank you Shirley for raising the alarm bells

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You are absolutely right! The UN plan that is also known as "One Health" which is being implemented by CFIA is about total control and destruction of animal - and human - life. We and our animals are the carbon that the UN and its agencies seek to eradicate.

Please reach out to me at releyes3@gmail.com to see how we can support each other and thank you for your work.

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Thank you for raising awareness about this critical issue.

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All of this is simply not true. They are creating yet another false crisis. Pure madness! And the famous pcr test not even created to detect an infection. At some point, you have to say no! May humanity wake up at the end!!

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Attention Livestock Producers! Resources for anyone who might be confronted by “government” actors in relation to an alleged virus such as the purported avian influenza virus. https://christinemasseyfois.substack.com/p/attention-livestock-producers

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Shirley ... can you please pass the link to Kari Simpson? I am sure her email is full and I want to be sure Kari sees Christine's post. I will also post the link at https://bcrising.ca/save-our-ostriches/ however they may not be see amongst so many other emails so can you please find a way to get it to them also? Thank you!

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Great dissemination of meaningful information, Shirley. Thank you!

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Do you know if they’re doing anything to mitigate infection? Have the rest of the birds been tested? Are they testing and isolating infected birds at all? Trying to keep wild birds away? It kinda sounds like they’re relying on herd immunity, which implies most of them have been infected or vaccinated.

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CFIA refused to test any other ostriches other than the 2 which had been dead already for almost 24 hours. The only testing CFIA did were PCR tests - no autopsy, no tissue ampling, nada. The farm owners want to test the healthy birds, but CFIA has forbidden this threatening them with a $200k fine and 6 months in jail. CFIA told the owners at start of January that the whole herd would be dead in 2 weeks from avian flu. None have died and they remain healthy. This flock (is that one calls a bunch of ostriches?) have not been vaccinated. Scientists from around the world are fascinated with this story due to the herd immunity question, and are offering help. Meanwhile CFIA is allegedly rounding up hunters to do the deed.

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The situation isn’t quite what you might be picturing. There are no sick birds and no deaths in 30 days—a small percentage showed symptoms, but the majority fully recovered, which suggests they developed antibodies to whatever it was. That alone should be a key focus for research, not culling.

Unfortunately, the CFIA isn’t allowing testing or treatment, so there’s no way to verify immunity or explore the potential medical benefits. These birds are research birds, not part of the food supply, and their antibodies—especially those found in their eggs—could be crucial for saving lives...clear across the board from horses to humans

This farm works with Japanese researchers who have already demonstrated that these antibodies can neutralize COVID, MERS, Ebola, and more. Instead of destroying them, we should be studying them to better understand natural immunity and disease resistance.

Culling based on a non-conclusive PCR test—without considering the scientific and medical value of these birds—would be a massive mistake. It’s time to look at the facts instead of relying on outdated, fear-driven policies."

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