Government Overreach: The Manufactured Crisis of Bird Flu and What It Means for Horse Owners
400 Healthy Ostriches Must Be ERADICATED Says Canadian Food Inspection Agency
In Edgewood, a remote corner of British Columbia, on an isolated farm, a significant legal battle is unfolding that has profound implications for animal owners across Canada. Universal Ostrich Farms Inc. (UOF), a farm renowned for its contributions to veterinary and human medical research, is challenging a Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) order to cull its entire herd of 400 healthy ostriches following an alleged avian influenza outbreak declared on December 31, 2024. The CFIA's directive, based on the apparent detection of avian influenza (HPAI) in two deceased birds, has been temporarily halted by a federal court injunction, allowing the farm time to contest the decision.
The Government (CFIA) wants these ostriches dead. They have filed for a court motion to have the judicial review expedited. The CFIA maintains that the cull is essential to prevent the spread of HPAI. However, Universal Ostrich contends that the remaining birds have developed herd immunity. By the CFIA’s own account, the birds should have suffered a sure-death by mid-January—the expected timeline for the alleged avian flu to run its course. UOF argues that the CFIA's sole reliance on PCR tests, which can detect viral fragments without confirming active infection, is insufficient grounds for such a drastic measure.
CFIA has refused to conduct more testing, and prohibited the farm owners or any independent lab from conducting any form of testing on birds, eggs, egg yolks under the threat of a $200k fine or 6 months in jail.
This situation raises critical questions about justice and proper procedures. The CFIA’s decision to order mass culling without considering less extreme measures seems unreasonable, and even tyrannical. Moreover, destroying a herd that is important for medical research sets a risky precedent where government actions undermine scientific progress.
This is Where the Horses (and all other animals) Come In…
While this case centers on ostriches, it signals a broader trend that should concern all animal owners, even those in the equine community. Equestrian Canada, in partnership with EIDAP Inc., has recently launched the Canadian Horse Identification Program (CHIP), a traceability initiative for all equines born and/or domiciled in Canada. This program, slated to start next month, involves the implantation of microchips in horses, providing each animal with a unique identification number. This directive is for every horse - even that old retired pony in the farmer’s field.
Proponents argue that microchipping enhances biosecurity, aids in disease control, and deters theft. However, the mandatory nature of such programs raises concerns about personal property rights and government overreach. The CFIA's involvement in allocating identification numbers for equines under an international standard underscores the federal government's role in this initiative.
All animals are under threat – not just ostriches and horses. All provinces are involved in the Premises Identification Program (PID). The “Premises Identification” is a national program that has recently expanded the Canada’s livestock “traceability” system. Registration has become mandatory in many provinces with the remaining provinces adopting the required infrastructure and legal framework to move into mandating compliance. As one example, the province of British Columbia already has in place a law for the mandatory identification of all animals – horses, livestock, sheep, geese, rabbits … even bees! (more information at link below)
The ‘One Health’ Playbook: Farm Surveillance and Fear
The planned destruction of the Edgewood ostriches fits neatly into the "One Health" agenda—a global framework that merges human, animal, and environmental health into a single, government-controlled system. It sounds noble in theory, but wrongly assumes that humans, animals and the environment face same challenges. In practice, it grants agencies like the CFIA sweeping power over private farms, encroaching on individual freedoms and property rights. One Health is evidently a creature of the UN, reflecting the sweeping global control its architects wish to exert over every aspect of our world and lives.
The "Pandemic Du Jour" – Manufacturing Crises for Control
We’ve lived through Zika, Swine Flu, MERS—all rehearsals for the main event: COVID-19. Now it’s climate change, with bird flu waiting in the wings. The pattern is clear. Every few years, a new “existential threat” justifies more government power under the pretense of safety. The ostrich cull is a warning of what’s coming for farmers, ranchers, and horse owners.
If the CFIA can order the mass culling of a herd based on questionable tests, they can do the same to horses. With CHIP, they’ll have a direct line to every horse in the country. They’ll know where your horses are and—under the guise of “keeping us safe”—they could be next on the chopping block for even just the suspicion of a disease. (BC Animal Health Act, 59: The chief veterinarian may declare that an emergency exists in one or more areas … if the chief veterinarian reasonably believes that … the presence, or suspected presence, of a reportable disease in the area exists … link to Act is below)
The Same CFIA That Wants the Ostriches Dead Is Controlling Your Horses’ Microchip Numbers
The CFIA’s actions in Edgewood are not about public health; they are about setting a precedent. The message is clear: If the government says your animals are sick, it doesn’t matter if they’re healthy. It doesn’t matter if the tests are unreliable. It doesn’t matter if the science is weak. They will take them. And just like they are doing in Edgewood, they will threaten you with fines and jail time if you dare disobey. This isn’t about disease control; it’s about control, period.
The ongoing legal battle faced by Universal Ostrich highlights the potential consequences of unchecked regulatory authority. It serves as a stark warning to horse owners across Canada. The same CFIA that wants the ostriches dead is supplying Equestrian Canada with the microchip numbers for your horses. By controlling these numbers, the CFIA will control your horses.
Make no mistake: they WILL come for your horses someday.
We see exactly how they plan to do it. Don’t make it easy for them. Don’t hand them the power. Don’t chip your horses.
More Information:
What you can do: go to this link to send a letter. It will take you less than one minute -
The citizen action site Save Our Ostriches. Find out what you can do to help:
The Universal Ostrich Farm website:
Update to Feb 10: :
Great compilation, up to Jan 31 2025:
An article published in March 2019 by Audubon Magazine: How the Biggest Birds on Earth Could Help Fend Off Epidemics at
An article published in March 2020 by BusinessWire: Ostrich Pharma USA Produces Antibodies to Block the Virus that Causes COVID-19 at
B.C. ostrich farm developing antibodies that could put an end to coronavirus. An article written in BC Castanet in August 2021 and the Ostrigen product website. It provides information about Dr. Yasuhiro Tsukamoto and his antibody research and can be found at:
First, They Came for the Ostriches.... Will There Be Anyone Left to Speak for You if You Do Not Speak for the Ostriches? A conversation with the Ostrich Farmer and a fierce critic of the United Nations and the World Health Organization at
From Horses to People? The Microchip Mandate of BC Begs Serious Issues, published Jan 2025:
‘ONE HEALTH’ explained by James Roguski, published Feb 2025:
Canadian Horse Identification Program (CHIP): Equestrian Canada launches a horse microchipping program, to start March 2025:
Links to BC’s Animal ID Legislation - Premises Identification Regulation - 125_2022; Animal Health Act
An overview of the Premises Identification Program (PID) laws in Canada and provinces, current to March 2023 -
Social Media Platforms for the Ostriches:
We must stand up NOW! CFIA is taking orders from the unelected WOAH, we must STOP it . Go to take immediate action. Thank you Shirley for raising the alarm bells
You are absolutely right! The UN plan that is also known as "One Health" which is being implemented by CFIA is about total control and destruction of animal - and human - life. We and our animals are the carbon that the UN and its agencies seek to eradicate.
Please reach out to me at to see how we can support each other and thank you for your work.